
About Us

About Us is created to showcase, enhance, and connect the Ummah of the USA through a platform where all types of social, educational, poetic, charitable, and other local activities will be displayed for the benefit and further connect our Ummah. With this website, our Ummah can connect with the community regardless of affiliations or differences. Here at our youth will get a chance to connect with professionals to grow and become learned and successful figures in their social and professional life. Alongside helping our future generations, individuals of our society will have access to display their educational and professional achievements and day-to-day social activities to the Ummah and share our social morals to help build a united and steadfast Ummah in the USA.

During COVID-19, our Ummah has gone through challenges that not only hurt them socially but also made them face many obstacles that affected their employment, educational conductivity, and social interaction and had an undeniable effect on their daily lives. We have developed this website to bring the Ummah back to their past glory and strength, by getting them to socialize, share and bring about their social values.

At this portal, our Ummah can share their social activities, weekend out and about, literary sittings, Friday sermons and weekly religious activities at our Masjids, focal professionals of the Ummah; last but not least, through this portal, we wish our Ummah to acknowledge their happiness in their lives that have been blessed to be apart of.

Naushad Sarwar
Founder & CEO